Remove ticks as soon as possible. Tips on how to remove them and more...
in infants
from the age of one year
Infoblatt_Erbrechen_Kinder (PDF, 203 KB)
Infants often vomit because their stomachs are still very sensitive. Usually vomiting is harmless and usually goes away after a day or two. Causes include, for example, a cold drink, eating too much mixed up, excitement or fear.
A visit to the doctor is normally not required.
What can you do yourself if your infant vomits?
- Calm your child.
- If your child vomits while lying down, immediately pick it up with his face down.
- Try to get your child to drink small amounts at short intervals to avoid dehydration.
- Special drinking solutions made from salt and grape sugar help to compensate for the loss of fluid and salt caused by vomiting. You can get the drinking solutions from the pharmacy without a prescription.
- Do not give your child any food while it is vomiting. After a food break of about 6 hours, start with an easily digestible, low-fat diet (e.g. carrots, rice, bananas, mashed potatoes) - unless your child has appetite already earlier.
- Do not give your child carbonated or heavily sweetened drinks.
- A cool towel on the forehead can help reduce nausea and dizziness.
- Rinsing the mouth with water or tea can help against the bad taste in the mouth.
When to seek medical advice?
Contact your family doctor if your infant:
- vomits while having a fever and/or diarrhea.
- vomits and you cannot get your child to drink.
- appears noticeably unresponsive, sleepy and calm or a change in behaviour can be seen.
- vomiting in the morning on an empty stomach.
- vomits and the symptoms intensify or new ones appear.
- still vomiting after a few days.
- has symptoms of impending dehydration (e.g. dry mouth, white skin, deep breathing through the mouth, drowsiness, little urine).
When to seek medical advice immediately?
Seek medical attention immediately if your infant
- vomits after a fall or accident.
- vomits and the vomit is bloody, light green or yellow.
- might have swallowed medication or toxic substances (e.g. cleaning agents).
- has a stiff neck.
- vomits and suddenly has severe abdominal pain or headache.
Skin rashes in babies and infants
DetailsRed spots, "pimples" and the like: proper skin care and patiently waiting are often enough.