Remove ticks as soon as possible. Tips on how to remove them and more...
in adults
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Before vomiting, those affected often feel sick and there is increased saliva in the mouth. It is usually harmless if you vomit and usually goes away on its own.
A visit to the doctor is normally not required.
What can you do yourself against nausea and vomiting?
- Make sure you drink enough so that your body doesn't become dehydrated. Take small sips of liquid, e.g. a cold drink, carbonated drinks, ginger or mint tea
- Fresh air: for example, take a walk
- Seek diversion, e.g. listen to music, watch TV
- Consume foods that contain ginger.
- Eat small but frequent meals.
- Avoid strong smelling foods, as well as hot, fried or fatty foods.
- Do not lie down immediately after eating.
- Avoid wearing tight clothing that constricts your stomach or waist.
When to seek medical advice?
Contact a family doctor in the following cases:
- You don't feel better after a few days.
- You often feel ill and have to vomit.
When to seek medical advice immediately?
Seek medical help immediately in the event of:
- chest pain.
- pain in the arms, back, neck or jaw.
- if you are short of breath.
These could be signs of a heart attack.