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Lower back pain
in adults and children
Infoblatt_Kreuzschmerzen (PDF, 275 KB)
Lower back pain is a common ailment. A stressful day, a wrong movement, sitting for too long - many occasions can lead to lower back pain. Usually no exact cause can be determined.
In most cases, lower back pain is harmless and usually goes away on its own within a few weeks or months.
What are the types of lower back pain?
Lower back pain is pain in the lower back area.
- The cause of the pain is not clearly recognizable: This form of lower back pain affects the majority of cases.
- The cause of the pain can be determined (e.g. herniated disc, osteoporosis): Targeted therapies can be used to treat such specific lower back pain.
What can you do yourself against lower back pain without a clear cause?
- Try to maintain your daily activities. Regular exercise helps relieve lower back pain. You should therefore remain as active as possible and avoid sitting or lying motionless for long periods. Change your position frequently, get up regularly and walk a few steps.
- Heat therapy, e.g. in the form of heat wrapping, can be helpful in combination with activating measures (exercise).
- If your back pain is persistent, take psychological stress factors (e.g. stress at work) seriously. Psychotherapy can be helpful.
Medications treat the symptoms of lower back pain, but not the cause. In case of acute pain, medication can support other therapies. The aim is for those affected to resume their daily activities as soon as possible.
This basic principle applies to medication: As much as necessary, as little as possible.
Important: Do not take painkillers for a long time without medical advice! Long-term use of medication can cause side effects.
When to seek medical advice immediately?
Contact a family doctor immediately if you have back pain AND:
- numbness / tingling in the genital area, in the area of buttocks or legs.
- difficulties in urinating.
- muscle weakness in the legs.
- loss of bladder or bowel control.
- fever higher than 38°C.
- unexplained weight loss.
- a swelling or deformity on your back.
- the pain does not improve or even worsen at rest or at night.
- the pain occurs after an accident, e.g. a fall or car accident.