Remove ticks as soon as possible. Tips on how to remove them and more...
in adult
Infoblatt Fieber Erwachsene (PDF, 222 KB)
Fever is a natural reaction of the immune system to ward off pathogens. It sually occurs in three phases and disappears by itself after 2-3 days.
What can you do yourself to relieve fever?
Fever usually occurs in three phases and can last from a few hours to several days.
1) Increase in fever: The fever rises to a certain temperature.
● Common symptoms: Chills, shivering, cold and pale skin.
● Measures: If cold, the body should be kept warm, e.g. by turning up the room temperature, covering up,
wearing warm clothing and drinking hot drinks.
2) Peak fever: The temperature reached is maintained.
● Common symptoms: Hot, very red, dry skin and glassy eyes, aching limbs, headaches and loss of
● Measures: If you feel very hot, wear loose clothing, remove blankets, drink cool drinks, lower the room
temperature, allow fresh air in but avoid draughts. Lukewarm leg compresses or vinegar socks have a
fever-reducing effect (application for max. 10-20 minutes).
3) Drop in temperature: The fever drops back to normal temperature.
● Common symptoms: Hot and sweaty skin and perspiration.
● Measures: Change bed linen and clothing if necessary, wash yourself with cool or lukewarm water, dry
the skin well.
When to seek medical advice?
Contact a doctor in the following cases:
● very high fever.
● fever that lasts longer than three days.
● fever that occurs intermittently and repeatedly.
● fever that does not go down despite antipyretic measures.
When to seek medical advice immediately?
Seek medical help immediately if:
fever is accompanied by:
● an altered state of consciousness.
● a stiff neck.
● skin rashes.
● heart palpitations.
● shortness of breath/difficulty breathing.
Skin rashes in babies and infants
DetailsRed spots, "pimples" and the like: proper skin care and patiently waiting are often enough.
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